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Monday, July 30, 2012

Steak and Steak Fries


3 Medium Potatoes
3 Small Potatoes
1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
1 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
1 Teaspoon of Black Pepper
1 Teaspoon of Salt

2 Tablespoons of Butter
8oz Steak
Salt and Pepper to taste


Pre Heat your oven to 450 Degrees
Line your cooking sheet with aluminum and place in oven as it pre heats
Peel all your potatoes
I like to mix medium and small potatoes as the small ones will become crunchier
Take Potato (L)
Slice in half long ways (M)
Slice in four this will give you thick uniform slices(R)
Repeat with the small but you can slice long or wide(L)
Same as the medium slice in four for uniform slices(R)
Place all the potatoes in a bowl
Add 2 Tablespoons of OLIVE OIL
Add one teaspoon of Garlic Powder, Salt and Black Pepper
take cooking sheet out and place on a wooden butcher
block or something that will not melt
Drop all the contents of the bowl in the sheet
Spread them out to make sure they are all touching the cooking surface
This will help them crisp up
Place in oven and place timer on 20 minutes
On high heat melt the Butter
Salt and Pepper the piece of steak and place it condiment side down
Salt and Pepper the other side now
After two to three minutes (when the bottom side is seared)
Turn over

When you start to see the Juice come to the top in about 4 minutes
like above on the bone(R) and the meat(L)

Take steak and put on the oven you are making your steak fries
Depending on the thickness of the steak will determine when it is done
I like my steak from medium Rare to Medium Well
so for this Chuck Steak it took about 5 minutes in the oven
Take steak out and let stand for a couple of minutes so the juices return to the meat
After 20 minutes in the oven the fries will be done
Having the aluminum helps to take the fries off that have roasted against it
Place over the steak

You can have them together or by themselves either way they are a real quick tasting meal

Either way Try it and ENJOY

Thank you for taking your time to read this. If you have any comments please post them. Questions, suggestions, hate mail, fan mail or anything you can write to me

See you later


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