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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Brontosaurus Ribs

As long as it is not raining, our first choice in dinning will always be BBQ MEAT!!!. In my last blog I went over the whole Asado but today we will focus on ribs.....better put, THE BEEF RIB. I am a firm believer thicker the better, as you will not overcook them as easy and they will stay juicy.


I'll be making one of my favorite foods to eat BEEF RIBS! When you go to your local butcher shop ask for a whole uncut piece of beef ribs. Just ask for the ribs to be cut thru the bone, so you will have the piece of rib meat over the boen and it usually have 3 bone pieces. For thickness, ask the butcher to cut the rack into 3 or 4 pieces across. As with any meat, you want to make sure to salt your meat before hand and let rest at room templerature for 10 to 15 minutes. Once your charcoal is ready to go (mostly white) disperce the charcoal to cover your cooking area. If the heat is too hot (you cannot hold you hand over it for 5 to 6 seconds) make a "Ring of charcoal". A ring of charcoal is when you place the charcoal on the ouside of the cooking area so you will not burn the outside of the meat and it does not stay raw on the inside.

 You start by placing the rib bone side down so that the meat starts getting to temperature for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once the time is up, place the ribs on it side for 10 minutes and than repeat on the other side. Bbq is all about feeling..... Then depending on how you like your meat (Me personally Medium is best) turn one last time to the other side to sear it and then take out cut and ENJOY.

Thank you for taking your time to read this. If you have any comments please post them. Questions, suggestions, hate mail, fan mail or anything you can write to me
See you later

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