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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Risotto A La Leo

Arborio is an Italian style of rice usually used for risotto. The first difference you notice between Long grain and Arborio is that arborio has a more rounder shape and thicker body while the common long grain is of course long and thin.

Long Grain Rice(Pictured Left) Arborio Rice(Pictured right)

1 Chicken Breast
1 Large Onion
2 Chicken Bouillons
2 Cups of Arborio rice
4 Cups of Water
1 Can of corn
1 Can of peas & carrots
Salt and Pepper to taste
COOKING TIME (20-30 mins)

Dice up Onions to small pieces
Dice up Chicken breast to be bigger than the onion pieces
On a deep frying pan oil the bottom and then on medium heat sweat the onions(until they become transparent).As soon as they sweat put the pieces of Chicken
When the chicken has turned white on all sides
 Take the two pack of chicken bouillons and mix them in
When the liquid reduces by half fold in the 2 cups of Arborio Rice
After 5 minutes of "toasting" the rice add only 2 cups of water
Make sure you are mixing from time to time to "massage" the rice so it will not burn
You will see the water start to evaporate so add one cup and then after it evaporates again add the last cup
 Taste the Rice as 20 minutes should have gone by and the rice should be almost done(If not just add quarter of a cup and wait for it to be done)
 Take the can of corn and the can of carrots and peas and drain them
 Mix them into the risotto mixture
 Once most of the liquid has evaporated take off heat and add the cup of Grated Cheese and fold in
 Serve and sprinkle grated cheese over risotto
I enjoy my risotto to this consistency as it allows the cheese to melt into it and make it creamier
Try it and ENJOY.

Thank you for taking your time to read this. If you have any comments please post them. Questions, suggestions, hate mail, fan mail or anything you can write to me
See you later

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