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Wednesday, April 25, 2012


As I stated before Burgers and hot dogs do not come to mind at first but they do come to mind and like always Charcoal before Gas.

The burger has to always be a simple flavor because your burger is only as good as your condiments and toppings. I use chopped meat with salt and pepper formed very quickly as you don't want to handle the meat as you want the flavor to stay in the meat. As a red head TV cooking celebrity said once form your patty and make and indentation so when they cook they don't shrink REALLY WORKS. Use the same Rule of thumb on the Heat on the charcoal with minimal flipping and don't ever SQUISH the patty as the juices will come out of the patty and you will be eating a Chancleta(flip-flop).I am an advocate of toasting the buns as it adds an extra layer of texture to your pallet.

Lettuce and tomatoes are simple but effective toppings and you may use to your preference. I like to have different falvors in my burgers as I keep on adding until I get the flavor profile I like.
From the bag since this was cooked after work and did not have the time to peel potatoes and go thru the whole proccess
We keep this in the freezer individual packed so we may cook up some bacon on queue
                                                                    GARLIC MAYO
24oz mayo jar 
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons minced garlic
crushed red pepper and black pepper (to taste)
Mix and return to jar apply as needed to bun


1 comment:

  1. How do you fit that thing in your mouth? Looks yummy!!!
